Does the soul take rest, like the body, during sleep?
"No; a spirit is never inactive. The bonds which unite him to the body are relaxed during sleep; and as the body does not then need his presence, he travels through space, and enters into more direct relation with other spirits."
Technologies may differ but once your main goal is reached there are so many interesting things to experience you probably will not bother how you got there or what led you there.
You are out of your body,...
i met my deceased father last night
"No; a spirit is never inactive. The bonds which unite him to the body are relaxed during sleep; and as the body does not then need his presence, he travels through space, and enters into more direct relation with other spirits."
Technologies may differ but once your main goal is reached there are so many interesting things to experience you probably will not bother how you got there or what led you there.
You are out of your body,...
i met my deceased father last night