In this thread i would like to talk about my beliefs in the afterlife. also i will talk about what happens when you die and when you are born. The day you die is the day you past to spirit, when you die you can have anyone you know come and collect you to take you to the spirit realm. if you don't want to see someone you don't have to see them at all. Now when you get to spirit some people will have to go to there hospital to get readjusted to spirit, once you are better you have ability to go rejoin the others. if you die and go to spirit and you have had some issues,that really affected you and you're soul then you will go to the hospital to go and get your soul cleaned. you will rejoin the others after. If you lived a bad life and say you killed someone. When you die and go to spirit you will go to the gray area to be rehabilitated. Once you are there you cannot leave until spirits that run that area decide to let you go, you will be able to join others after a certain amount of...
My beliefs in the afterlife
My beliefs in the afterlife